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12/18/2009 08:08 GMT -1:00
This one is a little bit higher in phe. . . but is too tasty to exclude. I found the recipe online and then modified it a bit. If you need to lower th ...more

12/05/2009 07:35 GMT -1:00
My daughter says she likes the complex better but she likes the coolers because there is not as much to drink. ...more

12/03/2009 06:17 GMT -1:00
Heya, thanks :) I suppose that's true - and the formula companies need feedback if they're going to make the products nicer - especially when it come ...more

12/02/2009 11:49 GMT -1:00
Hi Lorelaei, You shouldn't feel bad at all about sampling NHS's formulas. Like you said you cannot help that you have MSUD, and I cannot help that ...more

11/12/2009 10:02 GMT -1:00
Thanks for that suggestion - I like both of them and have a blender now so might try it! Does the complex essential taste horrible too then, or is it ...more Opinion Survey
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Photo Gallery

The Photo Gallery includes images such as photos and drawings that were posted by our members. Here's your chance to show off your personal photos! You can post pictures of your family, a group event, children's drawings, etc. Add a silly or funny caption and a brief description of your image. Share your photos or drawings now!

There are currently 45 Photos in this gallery.

Last uploaded: My Fiance and I
(Posted by afowler on 8/05/2009)

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